a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
the state or feeling of being proud.
a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.
pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself or believed to reflect credit upon oneself: civic pride.
something that causes a person or persons to be proud: His art collection was the pride of the family.
Let me rewrite each of these definitions as I see them.
1. I'm better than you.
2. Feeling like I'm better than you.
3. Entitlement because I think I'm better than you
4. I did this and you should think I'm better than you because of my intelligence, effort, etc.
5. Materialism because I'm better than you, look at all this stuff I have
Pride doesn't sound quite as appealing when we write it out that way does it? Yet our culture encourages us to be proud. Proud to be an American (American's are better than other cultures), Proud to be a mom, (I wasn't gifted with this child, I created them and all the good stuff is because of me), Proud of my child ( because without me, they wouldn't be as awesome as they are or have accomplished what they have).
That is just the top three from a Google search I just did about "proud to be".
As a follower of Christ, proud should be the last word in my vocabulary to be said, acted out, or thought. Because I know that I'm an American, because he chose to put me here, where I have a home, food, a family and a healthcare system to take care of me.
I'm a mom, me specifically, because God blessed me with Luke, I didn't bear this child but he was given to me because he needed a mom in his life and I needed him to learn some very important lessons that God had to teach me.
My kid is great because God created him, because God gave him a loving father and mother, and because God blessed him with a heart to love. That didn't have anything to do with me or him.
I think that I need to find a different word to use for when something is right in my life, or even when something is wrong. I am blessed to be an American, I am encouraged that I am a mom, I am humbled that my child is such a great kid. Because those words better describe what is really going on. That God has given me all of these things and that I am grareful for them.
I am a very prideful person, it's something that I am trying to grow out of but it's a part of my nature and so it's difficult to see in myself sometimes. It helps to write on this blog and just be honest and open about it.
Here are some examples to God be the Glory, not to Kris Gartley:
I have always been very intelligent - God gifted me with that.
I survived several serious illnesses and still am - God has a purpose for me so he kept me alive.
I have a beautiful family that loves me very much - God surrounded me with love and support in human form to encourage my faith in Him.
I have a job - God provides
I have an amazing church body that I belong to - God wants me to learn how to draw closer to him
The list could go on and on. Pride is me thinking that I've done all of these things for myself. Thinking that I am so smart, so talented, so loving......and all of those gifts are simply God working through me to show others that he is here and he loves me, and them.
So those of you that know me, help me to see the pride in myself and to give the glory to God always. Without him, I am nothing. That is truth.
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